Eduqas Resource Spotlight – February 2025
Our teams have been busy expanding our huge range of FREE digital resources - with the latest additions focusing on Eduqas GCSE and A level Media Studies!
JJ Olatunji/KSI (Blended Learning)
A level Media Studies
With learners required to study a vlogger or influencer for A level Component 2: Section C, Media in the Online Age, this blended learning resource focuses on JJ Olatunji, better known as KSI, and allows students to consider how digital platforms can be used to reach specialised audiences and challenge established media industry hierarchies.
Lizzo: Website and social media (Blended Learning)
GCSE Media Studies
A GCSE blended learning lesson where learners explore the online presence of Grammy winning music artist Lizzo and learn how to analyse online media content - from websites to social media accounts.
Contexts (sitcoms) (Blended Learning)
GCSE Media Studies
Using television sitcoms as an example, learners will discover how audience responses to media products change over time, and how media products reflect the time, society and culture in which they are made.
Sitcoms: Representations (Blended learning)
GCSE Media Studies
A blended learning lesson where learners explore how media shapes viewpoints and stereotypes through examples like Friends, Man Like Mobeen, and Modern Family, analysing representations, audience interpretations, and constructed realities.
Sitcoms: Terminology (Blended learning)
GCSE Media Studies
Using the language used in sitcoms as an example, learners will explore the importance of specialist terminology, focusing on mise-en-scène, sound, and narrative, while building a foundation in key media studies concepts.
Contexts and media in the online age (Blended learning)
GCSE Media Studies
A blended learning lesson for Component 2, Section C: Media in the Online Age, where learners study contrasting online products—either a vlogger/influencer like Zoe Sugg or JJ Olatunji/KSI, and an online magazine like Thiiird or Attitude. The lesson explores media contexts, the evolution of digital technology, and relationships between audiences and industries, building on prior knowledge of media language, representation, industries, and audience.
Attitude (Blended learning)
A Level Media Studies
A blended learning lesson on Media in the Online Age: Attitude, where learners explore how media language conveys meaning, the impact of technology on media language, and audience interpretation, supported by media language theories.
Online Media and Contexts (Blended learning)
A Level Media Studies
Introducing theory in online media, exploring the value of media language theories like Levi-Strauss’ structuralism and Baudrillard’s postmodernism, and how to apply and evaluate them effectively in exam answers.
Get the most from our blended learning resources
Originally produced to help learners keep up with their studies during the pandemic, our Blended Learning resources have since become a key part of our library of free online resources!
By splitting specifications into manageable teaching and learning modules, each resource covers a key element of the specification and can be used for flipped learning, homework, revision or for continuity of learning should students be unable to attend school.
Discover 6 ways to get the most from Eduqas Blended Learning resources
All Resources
The list of resources doesn’t end there – head over to our dedicated digital resources website for our full range of engaging tools and materials to support our qualifications, including Blended Learning modules, Knowledge Organisers to Exam Walk Throughs!